Current Board Members
Chair: Gloria McMillan Secretary: Glenda Penner
Vice Chair: Pat Bowslaugh Treasurer: Mary Wardle
Past Chair: Miranda Edwards
Committee Convenors:
Business Administration Convenor: Randolph Smyth
Christian Education Convenor – Vacant
Equity and Diversity Convenor: Denise Weir
Ministry and Personnel Convenor: Miranda Edwards
Outreach Convenor: Faye McLoughlin
Worship Convenor: Alan Silvius
Pastoral Care Convenor: Darlynne Smith
Newsletter: Darlynne Smith
Property Convenor: Vacant
Prairie to Pine Regional Representative: Donna Neufeld
Trustees Chair: Gloria McMillan
UCW President: Faye McLoughlin
About Us
Established in 1962, Trinity United is an Affirming church located in Brandon’s South End.