Trinity Groups & Clubs
Here you will find short descriptions and contact information for Trinity’s in-house groups and clubs – new members are always welcome! Please contact the office for more information about any of these groups ([email protected], 204-728-4796)
United Church Women’s (UCW)
The UCW meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 1:15pm, except for July and August. Prior to the pandemic we held teas and suppers as fund raisers, and we will do so in the future when we feel it is safe. We also participate in funerals for our members. We invite and welcome any women interested in joining UCW.
55 Plus Club
“Striving to Make A Difference, A Little at a Time.”
A fun senior gathering for fellowship, learning, guest presentations, and sharing (All ages welcome!). This group meets one Wednesday afternoon per month with free-will donations to a chosen charity.
Trinity United Church Choir
Trinity United Church Choir has been an integral part of the music program at Trinity United Brandon since the church’s creation as a congregation in 1962. Trinity United Church has a vibrant music ministry and the folks at Trinity worship joyously through music of many genres.
We are a strong singing ensemble of SATB voices. The ranks of the choir swell for special events such as Christmas and Easter cantatas or special concerts. The choir also collaborates with other choral groups. Rehearsal takes place on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm and prior to the service on Sunday mornings, September through May. All are welcome to join us, and we support all levels of experience. Our only requirement is a joy of singing to God. We love the traditional hymns, contemporary songs and hymns, acapella anthems and choruses. Trinity United Church Choir is blessed with a talented music director and church musician and we welcome the collaboration of guest soloists and musicians. All the music is raised up to God in their praise and honour.
Pat’s Writers
Pat’s Writers Group meets once a month (every second or third Saturday) at Trinity. We are a small group who enjoy putting pen to paper and sharing our musings with others. We are always open to new members!
About Us
Established in 1962, Trinity United is an Affirming church located in Brandon’s South End.